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"Aggle Flaggle Klabble!"

Writer's picture: Nadia S.Nadia S.

Book: Knuffle Bunny

Author: Mo Williems

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The red wagon, with pillowcases of laundry sitting neatly inside, rolls along the sidewalk as gingko leaves crunch beneath its wheels. My mom pulls the wagon behind her through suburban Chicago, as I stroll beside the wagon easily fascinated by the autumn trees and locusts, but still ever so intent on making sure none of our laundry falls out. Held securely in my arms is my childhood stuff animal, Giraffe. In the book, Knuffle Bunny, a little girl named Trixie also takes a trip to the laundromat except with her Dad and her beloved plushie Knuffle Bunny. My trips to the laundromat often included me helping my mom pick out the detergent and, then watching our once dirty clothes tumble around in the soapy water. In the book, Trixie helps her Dad with the errand, as well, but during the walk home, Trixie quickly realized she has forgotten something precious...Knuffle Bunny!

Throughout my childhood, I have been absentmindedly misplacing things: gloves, socks, lunch boxes, whatever it is I have managed to misplace it mostly at school. As you get older, however, losing things becomes even more frustrating whether you've dropped your car keys in the sewer or left your phone in the classroom with the not-so-understanding Pre-Calc teacher.

Knuffle Bunny takes us through all the feelings of losing something meaningful to us. It seems like a rather simple concept, but Mo Williams presents it in a way that is relatable, and humorous. The story is not only told through the art of words, but the story is also shown in images making this an excellent book for younger children and equally as entertaining for all other ages.

#1 The Realization

When, Trixie first notices that her stuffed animal is missing she tries desperately to tell her Dad, even though she can’t speak yet. So she flails her arms, uses sentences like, “Wumpy flappy?!" and "Snurp.’.

We have all been there with the shock of noticing something’s missing. What if you never find it? What if the thing you loved the most is now forgotten in the dark abyss of dust bunnies and crumbs?

#2 The Panic

Like Trixie you may cry, you may lie down on the floor and refuse to get up, and do everything in your being to express your worry. You drag yourself across the floor in tears, or in a flustered rage pace around the house aimlessly tossing throw pillows and papers around the room. It is possible to even have a complete moment of composure where you sit down and let your anxieties heighten in silence. Until...

#3 The Search

Somebody notices you panicking and helps you find what is missing. You and your friends grab a flashlight to check under the couch and, then retrace your steps. You drive across town looking in all the stores, asking a disgruntled teenage employee if they've seen anything valuable lying around in the produce section. Because maybe there's the slightest chance that you’ll find what you're looking for, just like Tr--…uh oh…I almost spoiled it.



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